The control center for mobility

OpenMove ATLAS is the control center of the OpenMove Suite that allows a complete management of the MaaS offer. The web platform OpenMove ATLAS allows the implementation of mobility policies, creating fare schemes and tariff bundles, managing the delivery of transport information and tickets and collecting all data to optimize mobility.
Mobility policies
The concrete tool to implement mobility policies according to MaaS logics. It integrates multiple transport services, creates fare schemes and distributes offers through digital sales channels.
Real-time data
Real-time data, with accurate and complete metrics of each operation, allow to have full control on the mobility scenario.
Check to optimize
Everything is under control. Charts, tables and maps show useful information for optimizing resources. We make mobility more efficient.
Manage users and operators
Complete supervision: all user journeys and operator sales are shown to perform customer care and to manage personnel in an agile and efficient way.
One tool for everything
A single management tool for passenger information and ticketing, for all transport and parking services, for all digital sales channels of users and operators. Just with this level of centralization it is possible to manage the whole mobility.
OpenMove ATLAS is designed to be used autonomously by the customer: the addition of new transport and parking services, the management of lines, stops and timetables, the management of fares and bundles are just a click away.
Data and analytics
All data are centralized and made available in real-time through OpenMove ATLAS, both thanks to an interactive section of graphical analytics and allowing the export to file. This allows timely monitoring of all travel and sales operations within OpenMove platform to assess operations, profitability and possible anomalies.
Management of sales and inspection personnel
Thanks to OpenMove ATLAS, the work of sales and inspection personnel can be supervised in every part: tracking of all operations performed, account management, authorization management, management of dedicated devices and management of sales sessions with pre-paid credit.
User management and customer care
OpenMove ATLAS allows to supervise the actions of users by tracing all the operations performed and providing data and tools for customer care.
OpenMove ATLAS simplifies administrative management as well, allowing automated billing management, both for transport service providers and users.
Easy migration
In order to facilitate the migration from in place systems or the coexistence with them, OpenMove ATLAS guarantees effortless management of third-party ticket whitelists.
Graphical modeling of transport and parking services
OpenMove ATLAS allows the modeling of transport and parking services also in graphical way, with tools for the definition on the map of lines and stops of transport services, for the management of fleet, rides and availability of seats on vehicles and for the definition on the map of parking areas.