“National MaaS Days”: the Italian overview of MaaS

On July 13th and 14th, 2021, the “National MaaS Days” event will take place in Rome: an event with an international scope which explores the development of the Mobility-as-a-Service initiatives within the Italian borders. The National MaaS Days are not only an opportunity to stay updated on the state of the art of MaaS in Italy, but also a long awaited moment of face-to-face interaction with the main stakeholders of the sector, who represent both the supply and the demand side.

The full and comprehensive agenda for this two day event is full of insights and previews, and includes:

  • the presentation of the “Guidelines for the development of MaaS services in Italy”, developed by TTS Italia as part of the working group dedicated to MaaS. They represent a horizontal look at MaaS in Italy with a constant eye on the European context;
  • the presentation of the document “Payment and access systems for MaaS. Guidelines for collective transport” developed by Club Italia. This is a more vertical document compared to the previous one and it focuses on Local Public Transport and payment systems;
  • two sessions dedicated to MaaS supply and demand. The second session will feature OpenMove, which will present itself as a technology provider of MaaS and ITS solutions. OpenMove has vastly contributed to the Italian market and it is the only entity to have actively participated in both TTS Italia and Club Italia working groups, who have drafted the two guidelines documents previously mentioned
  • a round table discussion on “Mobility as a Service: the future of mobility in Italy” and an international session with lectures by Ertico, UITP and IRF on worldwide experiences and policies on MaaS;
  • the presentation by MIMS (the Italian Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility) and MITD (the Italian Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition) of the project “MaaS4Italy”, which, thanks to the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), promises to be a great opportunity for our country to finance and support MaaS projects over the coming years.

For the full program, please refer to the following link: https://www.ttsitalia.it/giornate-nazionali-del-maas-agenda/ 

To register to the event, please see the following link: https://www.club-italia.com/prodotto/giornate-nazionali-del-maas/ 

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